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This is a form of malware (malicious
software) that attempts to encrypt
(scramble) your data and then extort a


Phishing is an attempt to gain sensitive
information while posing as a trustworthy
contact, for example a bank or online service.

Data leakage

While cyber security in the office may seem
challenging, it is essential to understand that
security extends well beyond the office these


Gaining access to IT systems from outside
an organisation still offers rich pickings for
criminals. Traditionally they have attempted

Insider threat

If your organisation employs staff (full time
or as contractors), there is a possibility they
could leak data by mistake or maliciously.

Credential Stuffing

When an attacker uses stolen credentials from one business to access user accounts at another, this is known as credential stuffing. These credentials are often obtained through a breach or bought on the dark web.

Social Engineering

This is most typically seen in the form of an email phishing assault, in which the individual is duped into downloading malware or divulging their credentials. Social engineering is typically the initial step in a multi-phase cyberattack.

Misconfigurations & Unpatched Systems

Security misconfigurations arise when security settings are not defined and implemented, or when default values are maintained.


Hackers manage online advertising, which contains dangerous malware that infects a user’s computer when they click or simply view the ad. Malvertising has been discovered on numerous big web publications.


When users visit the page, malware is either immediately installed on their machine or the attacker’s script sends them to a malicious site, where the download takes place.

Advanced Persistent Threats

Because APTs necessitate sophisticated attackers and significant effort, they are often launched against nation states, huge corporations, or other extremely valuable targets.


The goal of a denial of service (DoS) attack is to overwhelm a target system’s resources and cause it to stop functioning, denying access to its users.

Corporate Account Takeover (CATO)

CATO is a business entity theft where cyber thieves impersonate the business and send unauthorized wire and ACH transactions.  The unauthorized funds are sent to accounts controlled by the cyber criminal.

Man in the Middle (MitM)

 In a MitM attack, attackers break this assumption, placing themselves in between the user and the target server.

Password Attacks

A hacker can gain access to the password information of an individual by ‘sniffing’ the connection to the network, using social engineering, guessing, or gaining access to a password database. 

Cloud Security Threats

With businesses moving to cloud resources daily, many environments are growing more complex. This is particularly true in the case of hybrid and multi-cloud environments, which require extensive monitoring and integration.


A threat actor tricks the victim into thinking they inadvertently downloaded illegal content or that their computer is infected with malware.


An online fraud scheme during which a cybercriminal installs malicious code on a server or computer. 

Test your cybersecurity Knowledge

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1 / 5

Category: Uncategorized

Which of the following should you do to restrict access to your devices and data?

2 / 5

Category: Uncategorized

What kind of cybersecurity risks can be mitigated by using a VPN?

3 / 5

Category: Uncategorized

Turning off the GPS of your device prevents any tracking of your location.

4 / 5

Category: Uncategorized

Cybercriminals access someone's system and encrypt their personal data and files. The user is unable to access data unless they pay cybercriminals to decrypt the files. It is known as

5 / 5

Category: Uncategorized

Which of these is an example of a phishing attack?

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