
Welcome to the Cyber Security Information,Training & Reporting Platform

Report a cyberthreat


This is a form of malware (malicious software) that attempts to encrypt (scramble) your data and then extort a
ransom to release an unlock code. Mostransomware is delivered via malicious emails. Follow these key steps to protect
your company.• Staff awareness: staff should be wary of unsolicited emails, particularly thoseask for a prompt response.
• Malware protection: install and maintain good anti-virus and malware protection software.
• Software updates: keep your applications up to date.
• Data backups: a series of well manageddata backups will allow you to recover from an unencrypted version of a
file. Make sure you regularly test your backups.

Test your cybersecurity Knowledge

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1 / 5

Category: Uncategorized

Which of the following should you do to restrict access to your devices and data?

2 / 5

Category: Uncategorized

What kind of cybersecurity risks can be mitigated by using a VPN?

3 / 5

Category: Uncategorized

Turning off the GPS of your device prevents any tracking of your location.

4 / 5

Category: Uncategorized

Cybercriminals access someone's system and encrypt their personal data and files. The user is unable to access data unless they pay cybercriminals to decrypt the files. It is known as

5 / 5

Category: Uncategorized

Which of these is an example of a phishing attack?

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