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It is condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity. There are all kinds of addictions people struggle with each day. Amongst these addictions, experts have grouped them into 2 which are
- Chemical addiction- involves the consistent use of substances.
- Behavioral addiction- This refers to a continued pattern in habbits that turn into uncontrollable behaviors. These persistent and repeated routines will eventually become an addiction
Substance addiction
Consistency in the use of substances that affect the mind, to the extent that the user (referred to as an addict) is periodically or chronically intoxicated, shows a compulsion to take the preferred substance (or substances), has great difficulty in voluntarily ceasing.
In Africa particularly Zimbabwe, a lot of people are suffering from addiction as result of not talking about their issues, they end up using dangerous substances excessively like drugs, Bronco(Cough syrup-Bronclear) and Mbanje(Weed) as form of escape.
Kinds Of Substance Addictions
- Alcohol addiction: A lot of people suffer from this condition and end up getting named Drunkard/Chidhakwa/Isidakwa for their love of alcohol as it becomes the first thing that comes to mind when they wake up. Alcohol addiction has a negative ripple effect financially(being broke) , family wise(family disintegration), career wise(under performance) and mental health wise(poor mental health)
- Prescription drug addiction. Is the use of medication in a way not intended by the prescribing doctor. This results in a problematic use which may include everything from taking prescription painkiller from a friend for your backache to snorting or injecting ground-up pills to get high. It is important to note that this addiction may lead to death.
Drug addiction. Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking, continued use despite harmful consequences, and long-lasting changes in the brain. It is considered both a complex brain disorder and a mental illness. Addiction is the most severe form of a full spectrum of substance use disorders, and is a medical illness caused by repeated misuse of a substance or substances
Africa has not been spared in terms of Drug abuse, there has been an alarming surge in the demand of drugs like Crystal Meth,Mutoriro&Musombodhia/Msombodia. The drug users say that it makes them “happy” as it makes them forget their troubles. A lot of youth especially use these drugs as a form of escape from the harsh reality. The Drug dependants using start bad habits like stealing money in order to buy drugs, some become violent and demanding to anyone in order to get the money.
Mental Health and Substance abuse.
The mental well being of a substance abuser becomes jeopardised, not only does it deteriorate but it might end up in suicidal attempts. It exacerbates medical problems and results in getting chronic diseases in the long run.
Causes of Addiction

Ways to combat
Make a commitment to yourself to make the change. Keep triggers away, make your surroundings drug free, keep yourself in activities, switch to sober living and seek support from loved ones. Challenge yourself, find healthy ways to live a better life as a better person

Avoid Drug buddies and bars
This a very important factor which one needs to consider. Instead of spending the day pabridge nemaface(drug buddies) or muzvikona/kumaposhto(these are the areas where addicts buy usually the substance) spend your day with us at Rupasa.
At Rupasa we engage in healthy conversations in a free happy place. Please note: Rupasa is a non-judgemental zone!

Change your environment.
Take a holiday. Make new friends. Discover your Potential.